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Do You Need to Worry About Google’s “penguin Penalty?”

If you’re running a business then you should be aware that Google has been working on a Penguin 4.0 update for approximately 2 years. The principle behind this update is to ensure that authentic backlinks are being used. Of course, this leads to the question of ‘do you need to worry about Google’s Penguin penalty?

The Penguin Penalty

This is the adopted name for when your business falls foul of the new Google algorithm. In short the algorithm has changed; this affects the filter which creates search positioning for thousands of websites. You may have become a victim of this change; which means you’ve been caught by the penguin penalty.

The most affected by this change will be those businessesfundings which use excessive and irrelevant backlinks. This means you’ve got lots of other websites linking to your site using a specific keyword phrase. Unfortunately the linking websites do not operate in the same industry or field as you; making these links traffic orientated and not informational.


For example, if you’re selling double glazing and lots of car dealers link to you with the phrase ‘glass windows’ then the links are likely to be devalued as Google won’t deem them to be relevant.

The result or the penguin penalty is a drop in the search engine results; which could seriously affect the traffic through your site.

Dealing With The Issue

You need to recognize that your backlinks are not genuine and be prepared to take action. The good news is that the new Penguin algorithm is part of the core Google operating procedures; meaning that it updates in real time.

You can take steps to re-boost your rankings instantly:

  • Embrace Technology

The first step is to acknowledge that you need technology to help you compete. By looking at the data before making any decisions you’ll be able to verify your traffic, how it is changing and the backlinks you are currently using.

This will ensure you can drop the backlinks that are not relevant; simply ask the site posting the article to remove them from their articles; or even delete the web page if possible. This will have an instant impact on your ranking and you’ll be able to watch the movement by embracing the technology.

  • Communicate With SEO

Whether you use outside help or have your own team, you need to speak to your SEO staff to ensure they are aware of the issues and what steps they are taking to deal with them.

This is particularly important if you suspect your link building in the past has been dubious. You can sit with your SEO team and decide the right way to move forward and then monitor it carefully.

  • Spam Links

A really good feature of Penguin is that if it sees a link as spammy it will devalue that link, not the entire website. This means it won’t critically affect your business in one scoop; but you still need to address spammy links and replace them with quality ones.